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71 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Hey man, nice song, here's my suggestions though as always.

Good Things:
-Loved the beat and the drums although, it was a tiny bit overpowering I feel like, but it should be fine if you leave it as it is.
-Piano was great as always.
-Loved that azn flute man, celebratin' my heritage, haha.
-I really loved that cymbal crash at 3:14, it just fitted perfectly and transitioned really well.

Bad Things:
-The parts with just the piano and drums sounded kind of bland. I think you should have brought in some more dramatic and out-in-the-open orchestrations.
-Didn't really like the hi-hat thing to be honest, it didn't really fit into the song.
-Beginning was nice, although it might have sounded better if a full orchestra was playing, but whatever.
-Choir? Eh maybe not... I think I just like the dramatic, epic classical kind of stuff too much, heh.
-This song in general I felt like needed a lot more incorporations of orchestra, kind of like "Life Story." That way it would've sound a lot more epic and the drums would've fit in perfectly.
-The faint background flute that starts around 56 seconds is way too quiet. You should probably bring it out a tiny bit more.

Well yeah that's about it, great song you got here, keep em' coming man, 5/5, peace.

K-Dm responds:

1 - piano + drums only parts = bland
1 - i agree... ill try to fill em in with more orchestrals... as well as some more hints of azn so the whole songs azn n not just the choruses
2 - hihat = bad
2 - i personally think it sounds fine... but ill try new ones neways
3 - intro could be better
3 - i alrdy fixed the intro... i think lol
4 - should be more orchestra-ish
4 - like i said earlier ill try to add more orchestra + azn so hopefully itll turn out better
5 - flute at 56 seconds is too quiet
5 - there is no flute......... LOL

neways thx for the awesome review as always

ill pm u once im done making all the changes



Been waiting to review this song for a long time. This is some pretty good stuff right here man, but I still got some stuff to say.

Good Things:
-Liked the clap.
-Good use of orchestra and brass in general.
-Loved the background choir, really added to the song.

Bad Things:
-The drums sounded kind of cool, but I have to agree with the other guys, the song did lose some of it's power that it had before due to this new beat. Although I did like it, I just don't think you used it the right way. I think it would've been better if you used a deep, heavy sounding kick and than the clap rather than that echo-ey sounding drum.
-The weird snare entrance sounded really weird and honestly a lot weaker than it should have been. I liked the old snare in the original better although in that version it was way too loud. I think you should have used that same snare but toned it down bit.
-I didn't like those weird scratch/weird snare effects that sometimes accompanied the beat. It just sounded weird and out of place.
-One thing that really added power to the original was the cymbal crashes. Yes, this song had those but I think they could've been a tad louder and maybe have an echo-ey effect.

All in all, really good job man. If I were you I would consider making a third remixed and remastered version of this song but whatever. Keep this stuff coming, 5/5, peace.

flashmac responds:

Hey, it's the guy who gives really good reviews! Well, the cymbals had to be turned down to make the quality better. The snares your talking about, I don't really see how they don't fit but okay lol. But the snare roll was really weird. I'm gonna have to agree with you on that. I'm not gonna make another remix cause that would be kinda dumb lol, but what I will do is go back and make some changes. Thanks a lot dude.


Pretty good job man, not the best but it still kicks ass.

Good Things:
-Liked the brass implementation.
-Drums were good. (Although the rock drums should have been a lot louder, they were constantly being drowned out.)

Bad Things:
-To be completely honest I don't really like the guitar tone you used. It's too light and "picky/grindy" sounding, and a bit on the scratchy side at times. I think you should go with a more heavier and consistent tone.
-There was often an imbalance with the orchestra and the guitar.
-The strings were way too faint at 1:24, made them sound out of place.
-Not really my style of orchestra, but it's more of a personal preference. Sounded like it would suit a sports movie, heh.
-When the guitar was strumming in the background starting around 34 seconds, it wasn't nearly as heavy as it should have been. For parts like that in a symphonic metal piece; the guitar should be more on the heavy side so it integrates well with the orchestra, and especially with the brass, which was a big part of this piece.
-The snare drum rolls should have been a bit louder when they were used.
-I feel like some choir would've worked well with this song.

Well in general, this song is fairly good. But from what I've heard from you I think you're a lot better at making symphonic metal pieces with the orchestra more in the front and the guitar in the background. Which is why The Summoning was such a great song. Great use of orchestra and choir as well as extremely good guitar integration. When you make songs with the guitar in the front, yeah they're great and all but nowhere near as epic as The Summoning. Basically what I'm saying is that I think your better at giving the orchestra the main melody rather than the guitar. Although I loved the random solos you threw into The Summoning. Well yeah, that's about it I think. Later for now man, symphonic metal ftw! 5/5, peace.

Devastus responds:

Which of the guitar tones are you talking about, the lead or the riff tune? Because the riff tune is actually much heavier than what I had with my old tune :P It's just quite drown out in this piece so you can't hear it to it's full potential (I did mix it a bit differently however, but anyway). The lead guitar should have been more quiet in my opinion, but since the project file is so goddamn heavy, I won't change it anymore :P

I tried to keep the orchestra as much similar to the original tune, so choir was a no-no (unless I would've wanted to change it a bit). So, the reason it maybe could fit into a sports movie (what the hell :P), is behind the original artist of the piece :P

Most likely with The Devourer I will be trying to balance the both sides, metal and orchestra, I'm pretty sure that with the same volumes that I had for riff guitars on this piece and a bit more quiet lead guitar would work. Since I'd want to have it so that the elements don't overpower themselves.

Thank you for your review.


I really liked your guitar tone and the riffs in this one man! It really flowed and your new drums sound great! i hope you make a full song out of this tune!

Xenogenocide responds:

Hehe, thanks for the review man, I'll be working with superior drummer from now on. I like this new tight sounding kit.

I'll probably make this into a full song next by request. Lol.

Really good

I really liked this song man, great, calming melody and a nice beat, but I still got a couple things to say.

Good Things:
-Loved the fading snare effect at the intro.
-Beat was drums were great, loved the hi-hat.
-Strings sounded good.

Bad Things:
-Wayyy to short for a song this good.
-I think you should have varied the melody a bit before you went into the outro.
-I think some bells at the beginning would've worked well, like in Liberation by you and Zajed.
-Some choir would've been nice too.

Well, all in all, great song man, one of my favorites by you, keep this stuff coming! 5/5, peace.

K-Dm responds:

thx man its always good to get a review from u

neways ya its i know its kinda short... but i made it in one run lol

i actually did try to add some bells but i failed lol i dunno maybe i just dont know how to use em

and choirs is also a good idea... but i dont have the greatest choir soundfonts right now

neways just wait till i get a new pc lol (maybe next year? lol)

cuz once im lag free and i have all my high quality plugins my tracks will be better for sure =)



Godamn, whenever you and K-Dm do a collab, I swear, they somehow always manage to make something that gives epic a new meaning. But as always, I just gotta leave a long-ass review so here goes.

Good Things:
-Loved the beat, although I think it could be a tiny bit more powerful, to pack more of an impact. And maybe you could vary it every now and than.
-Loved the epic intro, the implementation of the snare, bells, and the faint piano.

Bad Things:
-Everything sounded a bit too high-pitched at times. And the transition between notes, especially in the strings during slow sections sounded kind of strange. But it got easier to overlook as the tempo got faster.
-Sometimes when long notes were held out, it seemed like the tone was vibrating, I don't know it's hard to describe, but it sounded weird. Kind of unnaturally echo-ey.
-An epic song like this? With no choir? Come on you guys what were you thinking? haha
-A small complaint that's more of a personal preference. Kind of sounded very generic and I don't know, "cheesy." Like something that would play in a sports movie or something. But, ah well, who cares.

Well, what can I say? You and K-Dm just simply kick-ass. Major ass. You guys are the best hip-hop artists here on this portal by far, haven't heard anyone else that can get to this level of musicianship. Great to job to both of you, keep this epic, symphonic/orchestral hip-hop stuff coming people! 5/5, peace.

Zajed responds:

finally your review lol

-well i dont have a really big drum library actually im overall limited on sounds i just got my hands on a really really good orchestra vst, didnt figured everything out yet, i still have to work abit more with it, all i need now is better drums
-and all those drums i have well they dont made for sometihng like this, i just tried the best with the samples i have

-well i tried many different ways to master it but im guess this one was just a too big project, and im not that expierenced with projects of this size, but i think the high pitched thing is more a matter of taste
-i know what you mean there is a moment where 2 strings clashing at each other, but it gets better when a trumpet goes with it because the trumpet makes it easier to sort it, well or maybe im just too nooby lol
-dunno about the vibrating but when you work ilke 3 hours straight on something then sometimes you easily overhear something, maybe when im listening again to it tomorrow i will think/hear the same so i can change it
-about the choir lol, well i dont have a good choir yet im limited on my sounds lol i have to do the best with the things i have
-lol sports movie, i can imagine many different things to it but a sports movie? lol

thanks alot for the review man, always a pleasure to read your reviews,
i know that im not responding that much on reviews lately its like
''i should response, but i got a s**tload of things to do'' lol and im kinda lazy, i jsut dont wanna write to good review ''thanks alot i appreciate it''

anyway, thanks alot for your review, i guess this track is just the beginning of some bigger things


Really good man, nice to see another song from you. I love how you take your old songs and remake em' into something a lot better. But I got a couple things to say about it.

Good Things:
-I love your solos (2:08) and the way you play them. I can practically feel the passion radiating from the song as it's played. No joke, you're an amazing guitar player.
-I really like this new crystal-clear sound quality you got going.

Bad Things:
Only gripe I can really find about this song is that the drums are sometimes a bit overpowering and loud. And is it just me or does it sound kind of off-beat around those parts too? (At 32 seconds and 1:20.)

Well yeah, great song man, you were probably one of my first audio portal artists that I really liked when I first came onto this site and I'm always going to be a fan of your work. Oh and another thing, if you haven't read my billions of other reviews on your songs, have you thought about ever doing a symphonic metal collab with anyone (Devastus, Jrayteam6, Sasha_Tarquin etc.) or just simply doing it by yourself? It's just, not I only do I think it would sound amazing, but I think it'd be really interesting to see how you approach symphonic metal with your guitar skills. It'd be cool so see how you stylize the song, because they're many different playing styles/guitar integration that I've heard before. But yeah, it's just a suggestion that I'm hoping you would consider, or it could be that I just like symphonic metal too much... heh. Later for now man, 5/5 and keep this stuff coming, peace!

Xenogenocide responds:

Thank you very much for your review! I love having loads of stuff to read like this. I appreciate that man.

I'm glad you took a liking to my new producing techniques and my 'passionate' solos. :P

The drums seem a little over powering because I compress them quite a lot, though I don't quite understand why they're load myself - I set limiters on all the tracks to try to get them all at the same level. :/

One thing I do notice though is that the left lead is slightly overpowered by the right lead and it's annoying as hell because I can't quite find why that is! ><

Anywho, a collab you say? Symphonic metal you say? I'm sure it can be arranged. Sit tight dude. ;)


Sup' man, nice to see a new song from you. Here's what I got to say about it.

Bad Things:
-The background strings sounded incredibly off-tone with the piano. They both really clashed. Because of this, it made the song sound a whole lot worse than it really was.

Good Things:
-Piano was great as usual.
-Liked the drums and the beat was nice.

Well that's about it, the strings were really the only problem. All in all, pretty good job man, 5/5, peace.

K-Dm responds:

hmmmm ur right those actually dont sound too good LOL

i dunno y i thought they did...

neways thx for spottin that ill upload an edited version soon with a new string pattern or just no strings at all



Dude... seriously, you're symphonic metal stuff never fails to blow me away, damn... I'm still recovering from the shock of hearing this incredible song. Geez, I like this song so much, I just gotta leave an extensive review. Here some things I think this song needs, which isn't much!

-More choir, throw in some bits here and there to get that epic feel.
-Fade ending was weird but of course this was a preview, so yeah, forget that.
-Beginning was good and all but I feel like it needed more. Like crash symbols or some choir to make it sound bigger and more dramatic if you know what I mean.
-Orchestral usage was mind-blowing in general, just simply incredible man.
-Guitar integration was great, I love it when you throw in those high-pitched squealing kind of notes if you know what I'm talking about.
-I love the way the brass was implemented in the background. The recurring brass blares were tight and really added a lot to the song.
-I usually like my symphonic metal songs with the orchestra more in the front, but damn, did this change my opinion.
-Guitar entrance could've been less abrupt, but it was fine really.
-I kind of didn't want to bring this up but that tapping part or whatever it's called that started around 36 seconds kind of bothered me. I feel like it didn't really fit in well with the song. It could be just because I like the more melodic kind of playing and not the fancy guitar techniques but whatever, it's cool. I personally don't play guitar so I don't really know what I'm talking about, heh.

Alright, well I think that's about it. You've gained yourself a permanent, and forever-loyal fan right here man (even though after hearing The Summoning I sort of already was), keep this symphonic metal stuff coming man, seriously, it's amazing! After hearing this, I've vowed to always 5 your songs and review every single one. Sorry if I sound a bit overenthusiastic but hey, that's the way I act after I hear a great song! Again, keep it up man! Peace,


Devastus responds:

Haha, a long and a very good review from you, thank you very much :P

Yeah, now to response to all of this :P

I will be doing more choir onto it, maybe even a real choir. I'm gonna try to make this as detailed as possible without my computer exploding on me. The fade ending is just because it's a preview and there's no full song yet, the finished one will have an actual ending.

I like the guitar-drums-only part at the mere beginning myself (somewhere around 36 seconds like you said), in my opinion it gave it an kickstart to the coming epic move. Or that's atleast what I was trying to implement with it. I was picking it all, by the way :P

I'm very impressed to have gotten so much compliments from you, and I'm very grateful for the extensive and good review you did. Makes a fuzzy warm feeling deep inside :P

Gonna try to keep the quality up (and get better too). Thank you for your review and for being a fan :P


Well, two of my fave hip-hop artists in one, who could ask for more? Well I'm in the mood for an extensive review, and you guys seem to like that kind of thing so here goes!

Good Things:
-Guitars were great, kind of fake at times, but it really suited the song.
-Strings were great not much to say there.
-Piano implementation was nice.
-Brass blares in the background were a nice touch.
-The recurring electronic noises in the background were nice too, usually I don't like them but hey, I guess there's a first for everything.

Bad Things:
-Only thing I can really think is that the beat switch-off between the clap and the scratch noises kind of sounded jumbled at times but not really, just trying to find something for the bad category; kind of hard for a song this good.

Well all in all, you guys both kick ass. Keep this stuff coming you two! 5/5, peace.

K-Dm responds:

wow what a review haha

thx for all the constant support n reviews for sure guy

glad ur a fan of our music


Andy @Omgwtfcritz



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